Help us make older homes fit for the energy and climate emergency.

Grade 2 listed and conservation area homes are among the least energy-efficient in the country. Yet they are largely ignored in national plans to fight fuel poverty and cut carbon emissions.

Planning regulations in London make it nearly impossible sharply to cut energy use in these homes. We are tenants, owners and citizens who care deeply about our shared built heritage. Now is the time to update our homes with the sensitive deployment of proven methods - from solar panels to sensitive double-glazing and heat pumps - so we can all play our part in tackling fuel poverty and the climate emergency.

“A clear priority for all UK governments must be housing, as up to 30 percent of carbon emissions are generated by our homes and the materials used to construct them.”

— ‘Renewing Britain’ report, 2021

London aims to become carbon neutral by 2030. But when it comes to housing, the focus is almost entirely on new buildings. We are calling on our local council, Islington, to update and simplify regulations for listed homes and conservation areas. Please sign our petition, or join us by launching one in your area.

We need your voice